A Travellerspoint blog

Sealife Revisited

I'm on the move again today, so I'm not sure I'll be able to publish a full blog post. Not to mention, either cell phone companies simply don't cover campgrounds or I really know how to pick 'em!

I'd shared some sealife pictures from my whale-watching cruise but I noticed they needed some tlc, so I cropped.in and adjusted color hear and there to try and produce some better images. Let me know if there aren't better.

Our friend the rare Salish Sea sea Otter swimming on his back holding a clam, trying to break the shell so he can get to his lunch.

Here it appears our friend has hit paydirt and is enjoying raw clam meet for lunch!

One of the Humbacks we encountered was generous with a big blast from her blowhole several times.

Humbacks don't have fingerprints (think about it), but they do have a unique tail pattern that naturalists use to identify the particular whale. This female generously flashed us her tail several times. A later whale, a young male we saw, refused to show the underside of his tail. Shy, I guess.

A cute harbor seal looking right back at us. Hey there, cutie!

Sea lions. By the way, they're noisy and smelly, but I still like 'em. They have character!

Posted by TheSilverback 22:13 Archived in USA Tagged sea seal sound lion whale humpback puget otter salish

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